Safe Return Portal



What are the differences between the Traditional, Remote, and Blended Learning Options?

The main difference between the traditional, remote and blended learning options are the location for teaching and learning. Traditional learning happens in-person, throughout the week. Remote learning is virtual. Blended learning is a combination of in-person and virtual learning.

Will students change classes?

Local schools will determine whether students change classes and, if so, when those class changes occur.

Can you change your school option/choice at any time?

No. The learning model choice selected at the beginning of the second nine-week period will remain in place for the full grading period.

What is in place to help students with Social and Emotional Learning?

The Social Emotional Learning Department will actively identify and refer students requiring prevention services or mental health supports using behavior screening assessments. Those currently receiving support will continue to receive services.

Are there plans to incorporate social and emotional learning in classes?

A universal social and emotional learning curriculum will be implemented daily to provide all students with direct instruction to support their social and emotional well-being.

What will happen if a case of COVID-19 is confirmed in a class?

Families will be notified of the positive COVID 19 case in a particular class. The Child Health Department will provide contact tracing.

Will elementary schools offer after-school care?

Afterschool care will be offered at designated schools

How will meals be handled?

Breakfast and lunch will be provided at each school. Students will pick up their meals in the cafeteria and eat them in their classrooms observing social distancing. Students who are in remote learning can pick up their meals at their school curbside each day.

What will schools do to help keep our children safe and healthy as they return to in-person learning?

Students will have their temperature checked prior to entering the school each day. Child health staff will ensure that a professional services team deep cleans and disinfects the clinic and isolation room every day. Also, students will be trained on health precautions such as: handwashing, use of sanitizer, distancing etc.

What’s the contingency plan for exposure?

Each school will have a designated isolation room. Students who exhibit potential COVID-19 symptoms will be isolated and his or her parents will be notified for pick up.

Will students be given masks?

The school system will provide face coverings for each student. All students must use face coverings throughout the day.

How will restroom breaks be handled?

Administrators will limit the number of students allowed to go into a restroom at one time. School personnel will ensure social distancing guidelines are followed.

Will art and music take place in elementary schools?

Yes. Elementary school students still will have art and music classes.

How will PE/recess be handled?

Physical Education classes will be handled, with teachers focusing on activities that allow social distancing and minimized contact.

How will drop off and pick up times be adjusted for car riders to avoid congestion and long lines?

Each local school will develop plans for drop off and pick up of car riders to prevent traffic congestion and provide for social distancing.

What practices will be in place to ensure the safety of students who use buses for their main transportation?

The number of bus passengers will be limited to 23 riders per bus. Students and drivers will wear masks. Students will be required to use hand sanitizer as they enter the bus.

If using bus for main transportation, what practices are in place for safety as students enter and exit the bus?

Students will fill the bus from back to front when entering. Students will exit from front to back. The first seat behind the driver will remain empty.

Will lockers be utilized?

Lockers will not be utilized. Students should keep all belongings with them throughout the day

How will advanced placement students supported in remote learning?

Students in advanced placement courses in remote learning will have access to their teachers just as in-person students. Teachers will also have virtual office hours and there may be some support through tutoring..

If my student is required to quarantine, how will they continue learning?

Students can continue learning virtually if they are required to quarantine. The teacher will continue regular contact with students.

Will reliable substitute teachers be available when teachers need to take a day off during blended learning?

Employees are encouraged to request and seek approval from the immediate supervisor for time off. Employees must complete the appropriate absence request documentation. Additionally, teachers must complete the appropriate requests for a substitute teacher to cover the approved absence.

If a teacher cannot get a sub, will classes be divided?

When a substitute cannot be secured, the school administration will take every measure to ensure coverage of the class, while honoring the 6:15 contact rule needed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Will teachers be expected to teach online to the children that are not attending that day?

Yes. All students will be taught by the teacher Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (while BCS is in the Blended Model).

What are the reporting requirements for a person who tests positive for COVID-19?

A person does not have to report having COVID. We ask that individuals report their positive tests so that we can do contact tracing to quarantine those individuals that may be affected and lessen the chance for outbreaks.

I have heard that other schools have had faculty meetings in person. Is there a policy to have them virtually?

All faculty meetings will be conducted virtually. This is an expectation of all principals.

Has a method been established for parents to report a positive COVID test?

Parents should report positive cases to the nurse. If the nurse is not available, the parent can report the information to the principal.

Will personal protective gear be available at schools?

Each school has been provided PPE for all staff and students.

Spending time outside is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Will there be a protocol for cleaning the playground equipment?

Students will not be allowed to use communal equipment (toys or school playground) while in COVID-19. However, teachers will be encouraged to allow students time outside while observing the 6:15 rule.

Who is going to take the students temps daily?

Temperatures are no longer a major symptom of COVID, so temperature checks will be done on an as needed basis.

How long do they plan on doing the Blended Learning Model?

The blended model will be in place while the community spread is at the moderate level. However, the district will review the model periodically.

What happens if parents/kids report false COVID-19 claims and a teacher is required to take days off?

If the district quarantines an employee, the employee will receive regular pay and will not be docked any sick time. However, if an employee is required to quarantine due to an exposure outside of BCS, i.e., friend, family, they may request leave from under First Families BT天堂 Act. The employee will be paid 2/3 of their pay, up to $200 a day. The employee may request to use their sick time to make up the difference in pay. Additionally, written documentation is required to take this leave.

How often will schools be cleaned?

Wednesdays will be a deep cleaning day every week. Deep cleaning also will be done after classes end on Friday. The custodial staff has received special training to assist in providing deep cleaning of all facilities.


  • Calendar

  • Opening of School Guide            Opening of School Guide spanish

BCS Safe Return Videos

  • Superintendent Overview   Building Safety and Operations   Transportation   Child Nutrition                                               Day in the Life Elementary   Day in the Life Middle   Day in the Life High
