• We want to make sure you have the opportunity to connect with us, and most importantly, with each other. Whether it's to share stories, or to talk about how you experience BT天堂 City Schools.

    on Social Media....  


    BT天堂 City Schools maintains a number of Facebook pages based on the communities you're interested in. Like us today!





    Follow us on Twitter. We'll tweet interesting happenings at BCS along with important dates and events. Follow us and ask any questions you might have.



    We're constantly sharing interesting photos of our kids, schools, community, academic and atheletic events.

    via Text Messaging (Parents, Students, Teachers)


    Remind is a safe, free way for teachers to text message ... Students and parents use the Remind app to get updates from their teachers.





  • Engage with BCS online and share content with your friends and family. Our social media pages/profiles are to keep our followers, friends, alumni, students and parents informed about our school community and to provide relevant information about BCS news, events and our student success stories.