     Ms. Nelson
    9th- 12th Special Education Teacher
    Room Number: 201/202
    Contact Number: (205)-231-8201 
    Email: knelson2@bhm.k12.al.us 
    Online Platform Links:   
    *Please use these links to redirect to our distance learning platforms
    ABOUT ME: I am passionate about giving students with disabilites opportunities to learn life and transition skills through functional academics. 
    EDUCATION:I graduated from The University of Alabama in May 2017 with my Bachelor of Science in Education, Majoring in Collaborative Special Education. I graduated from The University of Alabama at BT天堂 in May 2020 with my Masters of Education in Collaboartive Special Education. I am currently working towards completing a graduate certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis from Arizona State University. 
    WOODLAWN MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of Woodlawn Magnet High School is to offer a comprehensive program that incorporates the College and Career Readiness Standards, creates an environment that is innovative and full of rigorous and relevant experiences provided by Career and Early College Academies, and enhanced by faculty, staff, and community stakeholders.
    2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR: We will be starting the school year virtually for the first 9 weeks. Class work and video call links will be accessed through Schoology. Students will access their online assignments through Unique Learning System. I am looking forward to seeing everyone online and having a successful start to the school year!  
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