• Welcome to 7th Grade Mathematics!

    It is a privilege to have your scholar enrolled in my Mathematics class this year. I am looking forward to an exciting year. It is my goal to provide all students with an educationally challenging, yet fun, experience in my classroom.

    Mathematics is a very demanding course. Each objective taught is a necessary tool for future objectives so mastery of each objective is crucial. There will be homework assignments at least twice a week. Each student will need a single subject notebook, a pocket folder, looseleaf paper and pencils (INK IS NOTALLOWED). These materials should be brought to class every day. We cover a lot of material in each class period so locker passes will not be issued.

    I have extremely high expectations of all my students. I am asking for your help to maintain those expectations by checking with your son/daughter periodically to make sure that his/her work is being done. I am available to help students individually before school, during my prep periods, and after school



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. DeShawn Skinner

Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best.” (Bob Talbert)

I am a 20+ year veteran, a Flint, Michigan native and a proud alumnus of Miles College where I received a B.A. in Mathematics Education. I am a true believer in the fact that education is a lifelong journey and EVERY child is capable of learning. Optimal results are achieved when educators, parents and children are all fighting on the same side - against mediocrity!!

Contact Information:



Office Hours: Monday - Friday 2:00pm - 3:00pm

                    Friday - 8:00am -  9:00am