• Welcome to 3rd Grade


    Mrs. Thomas's Class 


    ‘2023-‘2024 will be a fun and interesting year! It will be a different yet challenging learning experience!  I would like to start the year by becoming partners with you in your child's education. It is a very transitional year in which RESPONSIBILITY is a main focus! If you have any questions regarding your child's grades, progress, behavior, classwork, homework, or just questions in general, please feel free to contact me through REMIND or by email. Third Graders experience many new adventures in learning, create projects using technology, and present what they learn to each other to make learning come alive!

    I will be using the SCHOOLOGY website and REMIND app to communicate with you throughout this school year. SCHOOLOGY is a platform to provide you with updates, important information, class assignments, projects, homework, grades, etc. If a student is absent, they are able to view and/or complete the assignment in Schoology.  REMIND is an app to communicate important information, behaviors, programs, meetings, early dismissals, illness, etc. on a daily basis throughout this school year. Please download the Remind app and sign up by texting the number 81010 and typing @4fb943k as your message or going to  This will allow you to join our class on the site. Also, please use my website to channel to the different websites provided; you will find useful information here. Continue to check back on a daily basis for updates. You may also reach me by e-mail at fthomas@bhm.k12.al.us 

    I look forward to our partnership and to a very successful '2023-'2024 school year.